Common Expression Language (CEL) matchers (proto)


[.xds.type.matcher.v3.CelMatcher proto]

Performs a match by evaluating a Common Expression Language (CEL) expression against the standardized set of HTTP attributes specified via HttpAttributesCelMatchInput.


The match is true, iff the result of the evaluation is a bool AND true. In all other cases, the match is false, including but not limited to: non-bool types, false, null,`` int(1)``, etc. In case CEL expression raises an error, the result of the evaluation is interpreted “no match”.

Refer to Unified Matcher API documentation for usage details.

  "expr_match": {...},
  "description": ...

(.xds.type.v3.CelExpression, REQUIRED) Either parsed or checked representation of the CEL program.


(string) Free-form description of the CEL AST, e.g. the original expression text, to be used for debugging assistance.